Shark Tank Testosterone Pills Scam
While Shark Tank is a highly viewed and critically acclaimed show wherein the “sharks” in question are business experts than can spot a bad deal a mile away, people have been using it to dupe the public in tricky ad campaigns online.
Perhaps the most common and absurd scam to come about centered around Shark Tank would be none another than the case of the miracle testosterone boosting pill presented by the Kim sisters.
Ah yes, Angela and Yoojin Kim who are MIT graduate sisters that are the face and brains behind the too good to be true testosterone pills that you keep seeing splattered across the internet.

Under their photo standing on the Shark Tank stage you will often see bold claims such as “the biggest deal in Shark Tank history” or the “most watched episode yet” and if you are familiar with male enhancement supplements, you have probably seen them standing before a testosterone boosting product.
The only problem with that is that it simply is not true.
Let me explain and give you a breakdown of not only how this is a scam and is to be avoided, but how it applies to how much you can trust advertisements online in general.
The Shark Tank Testosterone Pills Story
As with any disreputable product, the scammers in question here not only make bold claims, but they spin a rather elaborate and personable yarn to pull us in.
The thing you’ll notice, however, is that ever so slight details change from advertisement to advertisement, product to product, which only goes to further debunk them as a scam.
The way it all started was with the almost meme at this point of the story of Angela and Yoojin Kim who have discovered a testosterone supplement alternative that can actually cause permanent results unlike the competition.
Sometimes, their names will be Anna and Samantha Martin, depending on which ad you’ve stumbled into.
Enticing, I know, and further enticing is the claims that this led to the highest contributions from the Shark Tank panelists in the history of the show because they couldn’t believe how impressive the product was.
The problem, however, is that never happened.
The two women in the picture were there, however, and they did stand on that stage in front of Mr. Friendly and co. as they pitched their product, but it had nothing to do with testosterone.
You will find the photo of these two women in question standing on that stage with a photoshopped image of a different product scattered all across the internet all claiming that it was the “biggest deal yet” or best product of its kind.
Everything from male enhancement supplements such as Test X Core and Primal Growth, to less than reputable weight loss pills such as Mylife Garcinia have banners spread across websites with this exact scam add on them.
What Made This Scam Spread So Wide?
Well, in the world of male enhancement supplements, it can be hard to find the right product sometimes and because it can be a bit of a touchy subject for some men, doing proper research and due diligence can be a little tricky.
Let’s face it, bold claims can go long way in grabbing anyone’s attention, especially when it comes to things that are sensitive or much needed.
The main scam add that goes around featuring “the Kim sisters” boldly claims that their supplement causes permanent testosterone retention, which is of course going to jump out at prospect customers.
If you are wondering what permanent testosterone retention means, well, it essentially means that it is a permanent cure-all for erectile dysfunction amongst other testosterone related male side effects.
This would be groundbreaking and wonderful, if it were true.
Even more enticing to many people that have been left in the dust of this scam is the fake Fox News article that has gone around surrounding Shark Tank and the Kim sisters.
The faux Fox News article in question went to great lengths to make it look like real deal, even making the page and article look like their format but was just every bit as fake as the other ads in question.
The alleged reporter behind the article supposedly put the product to the test and got her own husband to use it, which according to the article resulted in hours of great sex.
She uses the kind of descriptive and explicit language that is not something that you would expect from a Fox News article and that alone should be enough to tell you that it is a scam, but somehow, there are still some unlucky folks out there falling for it.
Spotting A Red Flag When You See One
The reason this scam and others like it have caught on so strong is because it truly does appear real upon first glance without looking further and it also preys upon people likes such as Shark Tank which happens to be quite popular.
Without a doubt, there are people being duped by this completely silly scam on a daily basis, but there are some clear ways to determine that it is totally phony.
For one thing, as stated above, Fox News does not use foul or sexual language in their articles and to the best of my knowledge has never had a reporter have sex with their husband and describe it to their reading audience.
I don’t think so.
One immediate way to debunk this insane and insultingly bold claims is to conduct a quick google search and the top results that you get should be enough to raise a red flag or two for you.
You’ll notice that right off the bat after googling “Kim sisters Shark Tank” that you are going to find articles with headlines mostly related to it being a scam.

There are innumerable search engine results that even if you don’t type the word “scam”, scam is just about all that is going to come up.
Also, with a google search, you can easily find results and different adds using the same two women with different names and different products that should work wonders on their own in telling you that something is amiss.
With that being said, these women are real and they are not the ones behind this insulting and illegal scam, in fact, they are even more so victims than the numerous people that have fallen for it and been robbed of their money.
Their real names are Sarah Lee and Christine Chang and while they did go on shark tank, they did not land the biggest deal in the show’s history nor was it for a testosterone boosting supplement as the ads suggest.
Instead they were promoting their company Glow Recipe which couldn’t be further removed from testosterone and erectile dysfunction supplements.
The Scam Robert Herjavec Interview
An interview featuring one of the Shark Tank judges has circulated the internet and given false credibility to this sordid scam leading more and more to fall for it.
The image of Robert Herjavec, one of the entrepreneurs and panelists on Shark Tank, sitting across from Jeff Probst (Survivor) on his show allegedly discussing the deal with the Kim sisters has been passed around on the internet with the Fox News logo stamped on it.
The problem with the claim and quote attributed to Robert Herjavec in that image is that after watching the full video, just as you could easily as well, I found not a single mention of the Kim Sisters or anything to do with testosterone boosting supplements whatsoever.
All you have to do is watch the video yourself to easily debunk that no, in fact, that video does not in fact have anything to do with the “Kim sisters” or testosterone pills and is yet another part of this nefarious scam.
Fox Article
The Fox article that I detailed above wherein one of their reporters had her husband take one the scam pills in question which led to a night of wild sex has been all over the internet.
I can understand falling for some of the other tactics these scammers have used, but common sense should tell you that Fox News would never write a sexually graphic, borderline pornographic article.
Pay attention to the wording used, and you should easily figure out that the real Fox News would never use the word “cock” in a serious article.
Why Would Someone Do This?
Well, at the end of the day, this entire scam is all about making money off of inferior product that apparently is not good enough to sell itself.
With many of these completely false and disreputable advertisements, you will see that clicking on them will try to sell you a “powerful” male enhancement supplement such as Test X Core.
The way this scam goes, like many others on the internet, is that they provide you with the ever so enticing option to “click here to receive your free bottle”, and many people follow suit and sign up.
What they do not realize that they are signing up for is a rather expensive sneaky little thing that as you may have guessed, is buried among the fine print and lies.
Deep within the fine print, Test X Core tells you that by signing up you are in fact going to be paying $89.41 fifteen days after claiming your “free bottle” and will subsequently receive more every 30 days and of course, you will continue to be billed.
Not quite as pragmatic and kind as a “free bottle” may sound to most people, but that shouldn’t come as a surprise from any businesses that would be willing to plaster the faces of two unknowing women on their advertisements right beside some all too easily debunked LIES.
In Closing
Hopefully, this guide has not only helped to expose and debunk this truly disgusting testosterone supplement centered around Shark Tank but has also shed a light on a rather common problem with internet advertising.
Because it’s the internet, sometimes people are more inclined to believe everything they read or hear and are less likely to be critical because there is some degree of separation, when in reality all that you have to use to debunk these scams is the internet itself.
If something ever appears to be “too good to be true” on the internet, well, there is a very good chance that it is too good to be true and with good reason.
Pay attention to the language used in the ads as well as whether or not you are simply seeing familiar faces plastered on new products making claims similar to those that you have seen before.
Scams like this one in particular are fairly easy to debunk because of how widespread and popular Shark Tank is, not to mention the glaring holes in the scamming companies in questions wild success stories.
Pay attention to what kind of sources these ads are claiming, case in point being the multiple uses of the Fox News website and logos that were proven to be dishonest and were easily debunked.
If you see names in an endorsement or as the brains behind the operation such as the Kim sisters, don’t hesitate to look it up and see what other people have to say about them and maybe you’ll stop yourself from falling for a scam.
There are enough good testosterone boosting supplements out there that are reputable and don’t make such frivolous and wild claims that you don’t need to let yourself fall for the crazy and bold scams like TestX Core.
TestX Core is not only scamming testosterone boosting pill claiming to have been endorsed by Shark Tank, everything from Dominant Testo, Alpha X Boost, Testo Ultra, and DSN pre workout to Primal Growth, Alpha Prime Elite, True Testo and Steel cut testosterone have also used the show as a part of their elaborate scheme to trump up sales.
Hopefully this has helped you in spotting the good from the bad and will steer you away from scams.