Volume Pills Review

Just about every man out there wants to be able to satisfy their partner in bed. However, some struggle to perform with one of the reasons being poor erections or a lack of enough ejaculation.

When asked the majority of women agreed that they felt more satisfied when their man ejaculated a lot of semen.

Some even said that more was better. Semen volume has over the years been associated with male fertility and even passion. So, a lack of semen is associated with infertility in some cases.

Fortunately, there are semen enhancers on the market that specialize in boosting semen quality and quantity.

However, because there are so many supplements out there, many men are confused as to which one is best for them.

Fortunately, Volume Pills tend to stand out from the crowd. Not only is it proven to help increase semen quantity, but it is also responsible for stronger orgasms.

Volume Pills, according to the manufacturer, can increase ejaculate up to 500%, along with assuring men of thicker and longer erections.

While these claims are desirable, the question readers may be asking is, do they really work?

Well in this Volume Pills review we’ll look at what these pills do and how they work, so that puts you in a better position to decide if they are right for you.

Special Note: Click Here to visit the official Volume Pills website.

What is Volume Pills?

do volume pills really work

Volume Pills is a semen enhancer, which in other words means it is an all-natural supplement that’s designed to improve your reproductive health, increase semen volume and improve sexual satisfaction.

Volume Pills uses a natural, herbal and potent blend that consists of clinically proven ingredients. We breakdown each element in the supplement in the next section.

However, suffice to say that the ingredients are all meant to boost libido, increase sexual desire, improve self-esteem, and most of all, raise testosterone levels.

It is also important to point out that Volume Pills isn’t a new supplement.

It has been around for a while now, and its formulation has been tweaked over the years, improving its effectiveness.

Hundreds of men from across the world have used and benefited from volume pills, something that’s apparent from the dozens of reviews you see about the product.

Now that you know what Volume Pills do let’s dive into how it manages to increase semen volume in the next section.

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The Volume Pills Formula

Volume Pills Includes the following ingredients. However, there are other supporting ingredients not mentioned below, though these ingredients are what play the most significant role in the formulation.

  • Zinc Oxide – It is well-known semen enhancing mineral, and as an ingredient, in the formulation, it is instrumental in improving male fertility.
  • Drilizen – It is an ingredient that helps to improve and increase the flow of blood. When used in the right quantities, it helps increase the level of nitric oxide in the blood, resulting in stronger and harder erections.
  • Solidin – It happens to be a scientifically proven sexual enhancement ingredient. It works by attaching to the neurons of the pleasure centers, which consequently intensifies the erection. Research has shown that long-term solidin use helps increase sexual desire significantly.
  • L-Dopa – It is one of the most popular compounds that connect with the pleasure transmitter in our brains. The result is more pleasure during sex.
  • Ku Gua – As a herb, it has been a part of traditional medicine for a long time and known for having positive effects on the production of semen. It works by raising the level of testosterone production, which leads to stronger sexual desire. Higher testosterone has many other benefits, including more muscle tone and lower body fat.
  • Ling Zhi – You can tell by the name that it is a herb that’s been used extensively in the far east. It is known for boosting the immune system to fend off microbial attacks. However, it is also known for boosting libido while reducing stress.
  • Hong Hua Fen – It is a herb that increases blood flow to the penis, ensuring longer, harder and better erections.
  • Tian Men Tong – It is another ingredient that helps to improve sperm count. However, some research shows that it also improves the quality of an erection significantly.

What Makes Volume Pills Stand Out?

To us, one of the features of Volume Pills that instantly stands out is the fact that it works. Hundreds of men have successfully used the product to increase their semen volume.

Many have reported more powerful finishes than they ever thought possible. Volume Pills can help men achieve all of this without any adverse side effects.

In fact, Volume Pills is made from all-natural ingredients, which are safe to use. As a supplement just about anyone can buy and use it.

Another thing that stands out about Volume Pills is that not only does it work but it works for everyone. A look at the reviews reveals that the pills work for men of all ages.

While the time it takes for a man to start seeing results will vary, nevertheless they will see results. Most will see results within 3 months.

We also like the fact that Volume Pills does not just focus on one facet of male sexual health.

While the focus is on increase semen quantity by up to 5ml, the fact is that it is only possible once other parts of the sexual system are strong.

That’s why the formulation includes ingredients like Ku Gua, and Hong Hua Fen, which helps to build up the organs relating to the sexual system, for long-term benefits.

The Clinical Studies Supporting Volume Pills

Now Volume Pills has not been studied in a clinical setting. However, many of the ingredients included in the formulation and mentioned above have been studied.

Many clinical trials and double-blind placebo testing has found that components such as Zinc Oxide have a positive effect on semen volume as well as overall sexual health.

Many of the ingredients like Ku Gua and Hong Hua Fen have been used in traditional herbal medicine for hundreds of years.

Much of that medicine has to do with increasing sexual potency.

Ingredients like Tian Men Tong is highly effective at increasing sexual potency proven in numerous clinical trials, and there is substantial anecdotal evidence to support it too.

Six Months of Results with Volume Pills

One of the things that people ask is how soon will they start seeing results from taking the recommended two pills a day.

The expectation that many have is that they will start seeing results right away or at least a few days after they start taking it.

However, Volume Pills is a supplement made from mainly herbal ingredients, which unlike prescription medication or drugs don’t start working right away.

It also means that the effects of using them aren’t short-lived like it is with drugs.

To find out what users can expect, we spoke to many men who have used Volume Pills, some of whom continue to use it to this day.

We want to find out what effects they experienced throughout the first six months that they used the product.

After speaking to them, we were able to draft a general timeline for what happens and when.

However, since every man is different, the timeline we highlight below isn’t set in stone.

The First Month

The first two weeks of the first month is when most men feel discouraged because they think that Volume Pills isn’t working for them.

However, it would help if you kept taking the pills because it is during this time that the body is absorbing the formulation.

The body takes time to absorb the formulation, which then works on all the required sexual centers it is only after which you will start seeing results.

The first noticeable results can be seen by the end of the third week. Results include having an unusually high libido, hard erections, and having more energy.

Many men we spoke to said that they would have an erection out of nowhere.

That’s a sign that either the body is producing more testosterone or the pleasure centers in the brain want you to have sex; either way, the effect is noticeable.

The other perhaps more prominent effect many men noticed was that there would be more semen each time they hand sex.

The ejaculate would be much more than before. However, this was only with men who were producing next to nothing typically.

We estimate that if you are producing less than 1ml, then you will notice an incremental improvement in semen quantity through the fourth week.

Month #2 and Onward

Many men start reporting some very significant improvements in their sexual health through the second half of the second month.

One of the most common enhancements is in mental clarity. The men we spoke to all agreed that their brains felt “clearer and fog-free.”

That can be attributed to many of the herbs in the formulation, and while it isn’t directly related to being able to produce more sperm, it is still a benefit nevertheless.

In terms of sexual health benefits, the men we spoke to reported seeing a noticeable increase in their libido and erection hardness.

Erections, for the most part, were thicker and harder. Plus, the (men) were able to last longer than before in bed.

Men also reported having high energy through the second month, which meant that they would hit the gym more frequently and be with their partner more often.

The absence of lethargy had an improvement in their sexual encounters.

During the third month all the improvement we listed above are taken up several notches.

Many men report being able to produce around 3ml of semen, having better sleep quality and being more energetic.

Men who were having relationship issues reported that it was no longer the case. The improvements are from here on out incremental right through to the sixth month.

To retain your gains, we strongly advise that you continue taking Volume Pills. While you can stop, your sexual health may slowly decline over the next few months.

Visit the official Volume Pills website here: www.VolumePills.com

Use Caution When Shopping for Volume Pills

We searched for Volume Pills online and found that it was available from many different websites.

However, upon closer inspection and some investigation, we discovered that these supplements were counterfeits.

After speaking about this with Leading Edge Health, we concluded that the best way to avoid a counterfeit Volume Pills would be to buy directly from the official website.

Leading Edge Health states that they don’t sell the pills elsewhere.

Those who are selling the pills on other websites are either sourcing it from the company’s website and then selling it at a premium or selling counterfeits, either way, a better deal can be had by buying from the official website.

The other advantage of buying from the official website is that Volume Pills comes with a 67-day no questions asked money-back guarantee.

So, if you don’t see results within the next 60 days or three months, the supplement can be returned for a full refund.

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Do I Recommend Volume Pills?

Yes, I will recommend Volume Pills based on what I’ve heard from people and going by my personal experience.

Unlike many other similar supplements, this one works, and it does not cost as much as drugs that claim to do the same thing but with severe adverse effects.

Volume Pills works because it uses a potent formulation which includes top-quality ingredients which are freshly sourced from reliable suppliers.

However, the formulation has over the years been tweaked to near perfection, which puts it ahead of others in this industry.

Even if you are skeptical about if Volume Pills will work for you, the 67-day money-back guarantee is like a risk-free trial.

If you see that the supplement does not work for you, send it back.

But if our experience is anything to go by, most people don’t send their supply of Volume Pills back because they are highly satisfied with the results.

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